Revolutionary Treatment Option for Fatal Kidney Diseases
For Immediate Release: February 9, 2021
The ARTR™ approach to organ disease is to “Repair-In-Place” (“In-Situ” repair), rather than have a patient under-go an organ transplant. This procedure is based upon a revolutionary process that stimulates the injured or damaged organ to regenerate new tissue. The new tissue replaces damaged or failing cells. This process results in repair and a return to higher functionality of the damaged, diseased, or failing organ.
Currently, the ARTR™ kidney repair procedure is being applied to various types of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
CKD, also called chronic kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney function. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluid from your blood, which are then excreted in your urine. When CKD reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and wastes can build up in your body.
Conventional CKD treatments focus on slowing the progression of the kidney disease. This conventional approach does NOT reverse CKD, your kidney continues to progress toward end-stage failure. End-stage CKD is fatal without either artificial filtering (dialysis) or a kidney transplant.
An ARTR™ kidney repair procedure is a totally different approach to kidney disease. It is designed to STOP the progression of CKD and begin the process of reversing the prior kidney damage. The purpose of an ARTR™ procedure is to rejuvenate damaged tissue and return prior lost functionality to the kidney.
Un-aided, human kidneys do not self-regenerate tissue or self-repair. Without help, they cannot stop the progression of CKD or repair lost functionality. The ability of an ARTR™ procedure to stop CKD progression and return organ functionality is accomplished by utilizing BCM’s proprietary cell growth techniques, tissue regeneration technologies, and tailored treatment procedures.
An ARTR™ procedure involves using live tissue samples from the patient’s diseased organs to grow healthy organ tissue that is then surgically implanted into the failing organ. The ARTR™ implant immediately starts to regenerate new tissue, thereby improving organ health.

Dr. Liaqat Ali, MD. MBBS, CHPE, FCPS (Urology) Chairman Urology & Transplant Institute of Kidney Diseases, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, Pakistan, and Chief Surgeon of ARTR™ kidney repair surgeries, will be performing ARTR™ organ repair procedures on two kidney patients. One patient suffering from renal parenchyma disease. The other patient from bilateral small and echogenic kidneys with a right adnexal cyst and bilateral plural effusion. Once the procedure has been completed and the ARTR™ in place, the new healthy cells will immediately begin to replace the damaged tissues the organ will begin to repair itself.
With the success of this revolutionary procedure that can reverse CKD, many surgeons and hospitals are preparing to offer ARTR™ kidney repair procedures. Interested parties should contact:
BCM Industries, is the global leader in ARTR™ organ repair treatments and a U.S. pharmaceutical company. Through BCM efforts, during 2021, new ARTR™ organ treatments will become available to regenerate and repair livers, lungs, and pancreas – in addition to kidneys. These new procedures can treat various organ diseases and injuries, return organs to healthy functionality, and offer an alternative to organ transplants. To learn more visit: